Get the most out of your B2B webshop with a powerful ERP integration.

Learn how to take your B2B webshop to the next level with a powerful ERP link. Increase customer satisfaction, optimize efficiency, and reduce overhead with advanced integration.

Get the most out of your B2B webshop with a powerful ERP integration.

Learn how to take your B2B webshop to the next level with a powerful ERP link. Increase customer satisfaction, optimize efficiency, and reduce overhead with advanced integration.

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The rise of business web shops cannot be ignored, as AbinBev's launch of the world's largest online store shows. A shift that has many benefits, including increased customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. But setting up a successful business webshop goes beyond just launching a platform. Especially in the B2B world, where needs and requirements can look completely different than in a B2C culture. The secret to a high-performing B2B webshop? An advanced ERP connection!

Maximum efficiency, minimal hassle

A seamless integration between your ERP system and your business webshop not only eliminates the need for time-consuming manual data entry, but also simplifies the complexity of B2B transactions.

No more duplicate entries, no more valuable time wasted updating information in different places. An advanced ERP link takes all of this out of your hands, allowing you to focus on what really matters: growth and innovation.

However, it is crucial that the ERP link is deep enough and does not just forward the basic information. In B2B, specific agreements between customers and suppliers are laid down in the ERP system. An advanced link understands and integrates these agreements in terms of prices, product range, (quantity/volume) discounts, etc. Which is essential for the smooth functioning of your B2B webshop.

Increased customer satisfaction, reduced overhead

Imagine: customers can order independently, without your office staff having to constantly intervene. A dream! With an advanced ERP connection, your customers have direct access to their complete order history, specific price agreements and current inventory information.

Today, we often see that companies have an office staff that is mainly busy processing customer emails, phone calls, messages and even sometimes faxes. To find answers to orders and questions, that internal team dives into the ERP system. But thanks to a well-integrated ERP link, you can ensure that this information is immediately available to your customer. The result? An automated and personalized environment for your customers that reduces the burden on your office staff and boosts customer satisfaction. And let's be honest, a happy customer is a returning customer.

Error-free orders, every time

A fully integrated system ensures that customers have immediate access to current product information, allowing them to make better-informed decisions when placing their orders.

Thanks to the accurate data in the ERP system, which is continuously updated, customers can place their own orders with a higher level of trust and certainty. This makes the customer responsible for any errors in their orders, which suddenly makes taking back an order or resolving problems a bigger gesture.

Representatives are stronger than ever

Your agents must arrive at your customer with all the information they might need. That in itself is already more difficult with an offline workflow. Thanks to an ERP-linked CRM system, like Marcando also offers, your representatives view all relevant customer data at a glance, making them better prepared and more effective than ever before. This is not only a game changer for your team, but also for your customers, who enjoy a seamless and professional experience at every touchpoint.

An ERP linked representative portal offers many advantages:

  • Elimination of manual order notes, as they can be entered directly into your ERP system.
  • In-depth insight into customer data for agents, including order history, back orders, any reminders, outstanding quotes and sales statistics.
  • Cost savings and improved security by not having to give your agents full access to your ERP, limiting access to sensitive information.

“Think before you start”

Before implementing an ERP link when setting up your B2B webshop, there are a few important things to consider:

  • Assume a realistic budget fixed for the implementation and maintenance of the ERP link. Make sure you consider all costs, including implementation costs, any licenses, and changes.
  • What goal do you want to achieve with an ERP connection? Whether it's about improving operational efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction, or boosting growth, it's important to have your goals in mind. That way, your providers and partners can help you set you up for success.
  • Would you prefer a ready-made solution or a customized solution? Both options have their pros and cons, so it's important to research before making this decision.

  • How are you going to engage and train your customers to use the new ERP-integrated webshop? Setting up your platform is one thing, but it also requires a strategy to attract customers to it. Fortunately, your partners can also support you with this.

We understand that implementing an ERP link when setting up your B2B webshop is a big step and that there are many things to consider. Find out how Marcando can help you get the most out of your B2B webshop!

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