The most important do's and don'ts when building your B2B webshop

B2B e-commerce can be complex, but with the right approach, you can effectively achieve your business goals. In this blog, you'll discover the most important do's and don'ts for setting up your B2B webshop. We share tips for a well-integrated (ERP-) linked e-commerce platform, ordering platform and customer portal. Make smart choices and avoid common pitfalls to grow your business successfully!

The most important do's and don'ts when building your B2B webshop

B2B e-commerce can be complex, but with the right approach, you can effectively achieve your business goals. In this blog, you'll discover the most important do's and don'ts for setting up your B2B webshop. We share tips for a well-integrated (ERP-) linked e-commerce platform, ordering platform and customer portal. Make smart choices and avoid common pitfalls to grow your business successfully!

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Stop delaying online sales

Webshops have been indispensable in the B2C field for a long time, but even in the B2B world, customers want to be able to find products and solutions online and order them in a few clicks. Traditional, manual processes not only cost you and your team a lot of time and energy, but also involve risks. Processing orders manually often leads to errors, extra work and dissatisfied customers. An ERP integrated ordering platform offers the perfect solution. It streamlines your processes, reduces errors and increases customer satisfaction.

Read here more about how a webshop saves your company a lot of costs.

Patience is a virtue

And set realistic goals too.

Even before you start B2B e-commerce, it's essential to set realistic goals for your company and your online store. Take the time to analyze where your business is currently and which areas need optimization. Maybe you want to process orders faster, engage new customers, reduce errors, automate manual tasks, or simply offer your customers a better online shopping experience.

But setting realistic goals also means understanding that results don't come overnight. Don't expect your B2B webshop to take over all the work of your office staff right away. This is because in the initial stages, your office staff will have extra work to guide customers to the order platform and guide them through it. By setting achievable goals, you'll be more focused on setting up a platform that perfectly matches your company's needs. Rome wasn't built in a day either.

A powerful webshop doesn't have to cost 20,000 euros

Thanks to technical progress, you can now launch a powerful webshop in a budget-friendly way, even with an ERP connection. A huge investment in a customized environment is therefore no longer necessary, because standard solutions are quick and easy to implement. An additional advantage is the fact that they offer predictable costs without sacrificing essential functionalities.

Read here more about the best option for your B2B webshop!

Integrate your online store with your ERP system

If you want to maximize efficiency and customer satisfaction, you need an ERP-integrated webshop. By seamlessly integrating your ERP system with your webshop, you no longer have to manually enter data and reduce the risk of errors!

Your customers get immediate access to current product information, prices, and inventory statuses, helping them make better decisions. An additional advantage is that an ERP-integrated webshop does not require separate maintenance. You only need to maintain one IT system, your ERP, which saves you time and resources.

In addition, with access to real-time customer data and order statistics via an ERP-linked representative portal, your agents can work more efficiently and respond better to customer needs. In short, a well-integrated ERP connection is an essential tool for optimizing your B2B e-commerce and ensuring satisfied customers.

Prioritize quality over quantity

Don't invite your customers to your new webshop all at once, as this can lead to a low adoption rate. Instead, start with a phased approach and offer personalized guidance on their first purchases. This approach may require extra effort in the beginning, but it is well worth the result. Customers who get to know your webshop step by step will not only get used to it more quickly, but also make up to 20% larger purchases and experience higher customer satisfaction. By introducing strategically, you ensure a smooth transition and long-term customer relationships.

Make your purchase process as easy as possible

We get it, you want to get the most out of your B2B webshop and offer an excellent ordering experience. Unlike B2C web shops, where the focus is often on an attractive shopping experience, B2B is about a smooth and efficient ordering experience. But if your purchase process is too long or complicated, your customers will drop out. Make sure that checkout remains simple and your customers can quickly navigate from point A to point Z without unnecessary pop-ups or detours. By keeping your webshop simple and efficient, you not only improve customer satisfaction, but you also ensure that customers like to come back.

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