Setting up and maintaining your B2B webshop doesn't have to be difficult: 4 ways to continue enriching your ordering platform!

Building your B2B webshop doesn't have to be difficult. Discover 4 ways to optimize your ordering platform!

Setting up and maintaining your B2B webshop doesn't have to be difficult: 4 ways to continue enriching your ordering platform!

Building your B2B webshop doesn't have to be difficult. Discover 4 ways to optimize your ordering platform!

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Business web shops are becoming increasingly popular, but as an SME, the switch to such an online ordering platform may still seem too overwhelming. Maybe you don't have enough product information to build your online store, or you simply don't have the time to digitize everything. And without in-depth knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), selling successfully online seems almost impossible.

We understand this challenge better than anyone else. But don't worry, because nowadays, there are plenty of tools to help you do that! We're afraid to say it, but we can already hear you thinking: “AI is the solution!” True, but only to a small extent. The real key to success lies primarily with your company and your customers. Let's dive in!

Artificial intelligence is your best friend, isn't it?

Artificial intelligence (such as an integration with ChatGPT) is an integral part of our business life these days. While AI is becoming increasingly popular, we must recognize that these technologies are still relatively new. Should you therefore entrust all crucial business processes to AI?

Not yet as far as we are concerned.

AI takes various forms: from rule-based AI and machine learning to robotics, computer vision, deep learning models, natural language processing and large language models.

A whole sandwich. But what you can do is use AI where it excels: text generation (natural language processing and large language models). In fact, AI models are being trained to process large amounts of texts and contextual information, learn from them and draw conclusions.

So text generation. What texts do you need for your ordering platform? Examples include article descriptions, meta tags and meta titles. That's why, at Marcando, we have a application developed within ChatGPT, which helps you create these texts effortlessly. In addition, we are also developing such an automatic generator within Marcando:

Your ERP contains more valuable information for this purpose than you think.

ERP? Yep, that database that keeps your accounts in order, among other things!

Did you know that the business-critical information in your ERP can be invaluable when setting up your B2B webshop? This includes product features, prices, images and important attachments such as allergen and technical sheets. This data is usually already in your ERP because you've ever uploaded it. Now it's time to use them to your advantage!

Want to know more about the benefits of an ERP connection for your webshop? We recently wrote there this blog over!

Your own customers already know you

It may sound a bit far-fetched, but hear us out.

The information you find in your ERP is often quite brief. You may be wondering how you can use it to set up an ordering platform. Especially when compared to companies that have been optimizing their texts and SEO scores for years.

So, what then?

Remember that your own customers know your company and products a lot better than you think, because they've been ordering from you for years. Then they often make do with less information than what they would get on other websites.

So trust that your customers have the knowledge they need to buy products from you, even with limited information. Something is always better than nothing! Especially in a B2B context.

Adding images or not adding images?

Product images can be a challenging aspect. Some ERP packages allow images, while others don't. Suppliers also vary in providing images. Additionally, some customers prefer to order based on a photo, while others don't.

While in our experience, images are not an absolute requirement for an ordering platform, they do add value by providing a visual element and supporting better decision making. You can get product images from your supplier or create them yourself. Are you looking for a partner to support you in this? Feel free to contact us; we'd love to connect you to our network!

Are you ready to create and optimize your own webshop? Feel free to contact us and let us help you realize your ideas!
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