From traditional to digital: how an online store can save you a lot of costs.

Discover the benefits of transitioning from manual input to digitization with our blog and learn how a B2B ordering platform integrated with an ERP system can streamline your business operations.

From traditional to digital: how an online store can save you a lot of costs.

Discover the benefits of transitioning from manual input to digitization with our blog and learn how a B2B ordering platform integrated with an ERP system can streamline your business operations.

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Today, digitization has become the norm and companies face the challenge of making the shift from traditional methods to more efficient, online processes. A transition that can no longer be seen as a luxury, but rather as a necessity. Where does this shift come from, why is it so important and how do you best respond to it? These are all questions that we hope to answer in this blog!

Forced digitization?

To better understand the origin of that shift, we will return to (yes) the Corona crisis for a few years. A period in which it quickly became clear that those who were not online had the chance to miss the boat completely. No one was allowed to leave the house, with the result that there was a massive increase in online orders. And this was also noticeable in B2B companies where the relationship between customer and supplier is central. According to many, that relationship would be impossible to survive online, but here too, we see the opposite. Many companies that may have previously been reluctant to go digital quickly realized that this online presence was becoming crucial.

B2B buying behavior also changed. Companies are increasingly looking for solutions and products online. And why not? If you can view the options remotely and order 24/7?

The risks of manual work

Besides the fact that manual processes cost a lot of energy, they also involve a lot of risks. And those risks affect the efficiency and financial health of your company.

  • Manually processing all orders often results in an enormous amount of overtime. Hours that you could spend doing tasks that really matter or ending your workday.
  • We are still human, and people make mistakes. An error in the order, address or number of products is quickly made. But it also ensures that there is even more work involved. Reverse logistics are not cheap, and your customer is naturally waiting for their products.
  • Manual systems increase the chance of selling products that are actually out of stock or whose important information is no longer up to date, such as prices, discounts, delivery times, etc. Which in turn can lead to dissatisfied customers and reputational damage.
  • Finally, we often notice that companies without an ordering platform receive their orders via various channels. This involves a great risk of missing orders due to chaos, which in turn can lead to loss of sales and dissatisfied customers.

A B2B ordering platform is the key to operational flexibility

What if there was a solution that not only minimized the risk of errors, but also increased your operational efficiency? Consider, for example, the transition to a B2B ordering platform.

An ordering platform, preferably linked to your ERP system, allows your customers to submit their orders themselves, eliminating errors. Customers get direct access to product information, their personal prices, and inventory. Not only does this streamline the ordering process for your customer, but it also reduces the pressure on your team and eliminates continuous notifications from different channels where you're currently receiving orders.

Customer autonomy

Such a platform gives your customer the opportunity to enter their order themselves. They can do that where and when they want. So you are, as it were, available 24/7. Need an extra element for their next project? They order it from their smartphones at the shipyard. They get real-time insight into available stocks, prices and product information so that they too can make better decisions. In addition, modern IT systems offer alternative products when an item is no longer in stock.

Efficiency for you

For you, of course, this means that you no longer have to work overtime to manually enter orders, or have to enable other profiles to do so. The automated integration between your platform and the ERP system ensures that your online catalog is always up to date for each customer, that their orders arrive automatically as if you had entered them yourself, and orders are processed immediately in your system. The result? Yes, fewer errors and delays are eliminated. A win-win for both you and your customers.

Conclusion? The transition from manual processes to an integrated B2B ordering platform not only offers a solution for many risks, but it also opens the door to improved efficiency and customer satisfaction. A B2B ordering platform is not only an investment in technology, but also in the sustainability and success of your company.

Want to take the leap but have no idea how to build an ordering platform? Feel free to contact us for a personal demo!

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