How do you convince your customers to use your B2B webshop?

Curious about how to convince your customers to use your B2B webshop? Learn how to make the most of your B2B webshop and let customers order effortlessly. Learn about customer-specific environments, efficient search features, and gradual introductions.

How do you convince your customers to use your B2B webshop?

Curious about how to convince your customers to use your B2B webshop? Learn how to make the most of your B2B webshop and let customers order effortlessly. Learn about customer-specific environments, efficient search features, and gradual introductions.

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You may recognize it: you're curious about the possibilities of a business webshop, but you're still unsure whether your customers are ready for it. At a time when B2B web shops are more popular than ever, it's also an exciting development that takes some getting used to for some. Acceptance of new technologies can vary widely between different customers. Our advice? Stay open to this progress and don't be discouraged! There are a number of things you can do to make it easier for your customers!

Provide a customer-specific environment

Today, you may receive most orders via mail, phone or even fax. That way, your customers order based on the catalog you provide at the start of the new year and the associated prices that you enter into your ERP.

If you want customers to use your online platform, it is essential that all these familiar elements are also present in that online environment. Make sure their catalog includes items that they order frequently or might interest them, the necessary product information, and the price they've negotiated with you.

It all has to be faster than composing an email

You're probably familiar with it: at the end of each quarter, your inbox is filled with requests for invoices, updates on quotes and backorders, and changes in customer data. An endless stream of emails that is frustrating for both your organization and customers. Customers have to keep and remember a lot of information, while you often have to provide the same information.

An ordering platform that also acts as an information hub can offer a solution here. Instead of letting customers struggle with emails, you can direct them to your order platform or customer portal. There, they will immediately find all the information they can download, change or consult.

If this way, if they notice how effective and convenient such a platform is, they will certainly also explore other functions, such as placing first orders. In addition, this leads to a decrease in order errors, which is only one of the many benefits of an ERP integration in your webshop is.

And let's not forget that customers place their orders more easily and quickly via your webshop than via an email to your office staff. Such an email often lacks information, resulting in additional contact with your customer and delays in processing the order. Thanks to your ordering platform, your customers will find all the information they need to place informed orders without intervention, which ensures a smoother process and saves time.

Online store discounts: a win-win for you and your customers

Maybe you're thinking: “Give a discount? Then I'm investing twice, right? What does that give me?” But nothing could be further from the truth! By encouraging your customers to enter their orders on your platform themselves, it saves your organization a lot of time that would otherwise be spent retyping orders from emails, faxes, notebooks, or phone calls.

Each individual order may have a small effect, but all these small savings together quickly make a significant difference. For example, our customers save 80% in costs for managing their platform via Marcando. So discounts are not only a benefit for your customers, but also an investment in your own efficiency and growth.

Optimise the search experience with search tools and filters

Your customers are likely to search in different ways: via an EAN code, product code, descriptions, or even properties. That's why a fast and accurate search function is essential for your B2B webshop. So make sure that all this information is available on your platform so that your customers can place orders effortlessly with minimal friction.

Where can you find this information? Right, in the ERP system! So make sure that this information is also seamlessly integrated into your webshop. Remember, your order platform must be your best representative. That representative may not have a voice, but it must include all relevant information for the best customer experience.

Test, test and, above all, introduce gradually!

We cannot emphasize the importance of testing enough. It gives you the chance to see how your solution works, build trust in the new way of working, and familiarise your team with the new tool. So start with internal tests and then expand to a select group of customers for external testing. Their feedback is invaluable, so look for customers who are willing to provide that feedback.

At Marcando, we're not a fan of the “big bang” approach. We recommend that our customers introduce a small group of new customers to the ordering platform every week and to actively guide them. In addition, your representatives and office staff can also work closely with those customers to make it as easy as possible for them.

“But does that sound like more work?” , we hear you think. That is partly correct, in the short term. But once your customers are familiar with the platform, you will notice that the workload per customer decreases significantly. This gives you the opportunity to get more customers on board and ultimately relieve your organization of administrative work.

Do you want to encourage your customers to place online orders, but could use some support? Feel free to contact us!

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